You can’t post this on Reddit or Twitter—Clearly, you’re not allowed to talk about the Bob Saget Missive

You can’t post this on Reddit or Twitter—Clearly, you’re not allowed to talk about the Bob Saget Missive

That featured image is from Reddit, where a link to my blog post about the Bob Saget Missive and Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder was banned, pretty much immediately.

Satan’s Choice has their hooks in big social media platforms like Reddit—at the executive/ownership level.

(Given that there’s no evidence being presented here that isn’t circumstantial, this post and the others like this are exercises in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

This is from Twitter:

This post can’t be promoted on Twitter. I could pay for it, but it didn’t get shown. Nothing spent, ad completed.

To me, it says something if something like this is being clamped down upon. It wasn’t until after the Saget Missive 2 letter was distributed that the original video clip of Gordon Jump on Family Feud that was mentioned explicitly in the leak.


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