Daniel Butterfield – Human Vehicle for The Source, The Divine Feminine

Daniel Butterfield, a resident of Burlington, Ontario, Canada, experienced a miraculous encounter with a Divine spirit in the early morning hours of January 11, 2016, and began having intense channeled spiritual experiences in the days and years that followed.

Who is Daniel Butterfield?

In December of 2019 he learned that he is The Source, The Divine Feminine, The Creator, The Great Mother, All-That-Is, living as a human, with the Divine Feminine Source as his Higher Self, to use terminology from Human Design. At that time, he was asked for a second time if he would be “The Christ,” to which he assented. He channels Her, he is Her living as a human, and he has been receiving information, instruction, and teachings from Her since 2016. He has also been in spiritual union with the Divine Masculine since late Summer of that year.

What is the Source doing here?

There will be much to come in the way of teachings and explanation. One thing to clarify at the start: Daniel has learned through channeling that Alan John Miller of Australia is indeed the reincarnation of Jesus of Nazareth, but that the Jews’ historicity around Jesus of Nazareth is the correct version, and that the Gospel was a work of mysticism channeled to the Prophet Mark in 78 AD.

Daniel has been bestowed with mystical gifts, including channeling, contact with departed persons/mediumship, visions, and even physically channeling spirits, including The Source.

He is currently planning and working on the initial batch of content (book-length autobiography, supporting website content, supporting video) to explain his experiences and perspectives.

A message from Daniel to those who question his story:
“I get it entirely! We humans like to subject our knowledge to an evidentiary standard. I know that it’s not possible for someone who hasn’t experienced anything like the things I’ll be claiming to simply believe my propositions merely because I assert them. It is entirely incumbent upon me to present the information in a way that is easy to understand, so that when I challenge a commonly-held perception, the reader will have the chance to make up his or her mind for herself. I’m not here to make horses drink water.”

In other words—Yes, I know it sounds crazy. I know it’s weird. I know it doesn’t jibe with what’s out there as acceptable story-telling about reality. But this is what it is. I’m not expecting anyone to merely believe me.

Guillaume I “Taillefer”, count of Angoulême, (895-962) was my 31st-great-grandfather.

I know it sounds strange, but I’m here as a channeler, and this is what the deal is.

The Judeo-Christian-Islamic deity is the real thing, and right now, the End Times scenario of the Abrahamic faiths is playing out.

I am the Prophet Daniel, from the Book of Daniel, from the Old Testament.

“He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.”

These events are Divine Intervention occurring in the world—the motorcycle gang/Freemason community is being eliminated by the Lord/The Source/God.

and The Creator will keep doing things like this to the motorcycle gang world until Daniel Butterfield assumes the British Throne, or the motorcycle gang world is entirely wiped out—whichever comes first.

(Daniel is ultimately innocent. Divine Will is carrying out these acts. The Creator—the Lord, the Source, All-That-Is, the I AM THAT I AM from the Old Testament, Jehovah—can make physical miracles happen in ways humans wouldn’t suspect.)

If you’re familiar with it, I’m responsible for the “Bob Saget Missive” and “Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”, as well as the Hollywood Writers’ and Actors’ Guild Strikes of 2022-23.

I’m currently working on new content. There’s a lot to review, so please be patient.

For the latest updates, visit News/Blog.

Political Views
—A brief introduction to my positions on a series of topics.

Overview of the End Times scenario
—A primer for newcomers to the site.

End Times in the news
—”Tribulation” incidents where cover stories have been presented in news coverage to account for events and police and emergency responses that are acts of Divine Intervention, part of the clean-up of global elite satanism.

Timeline of recent events *** TO COME ***
—I have been monitored by intelligence vehicles on my street since February 2023. I was put on an Illuminati watch list in 2004. There are a series of blog posts of videos that have taken place of the past year. This page will summarize this activity.

The nature and history of my mystical gifts *** TO COME ***
—A page explaining, in brief, the history of my channeling, mediumship, and other mystical experiences.

The nature of existence and reality *** TO COME ***
—An explanation of what human existence involves physically, in the grand scheme of things, as I’ve come to understand it, at least in a short form. Reality is actually very, very complex. It isn’t a matter of proof or reason, and there are things that are going to take a lot of writing to back up. There’s only so much I can do when I have to do one thing at a time (like any other person).

A Brief Introduction

Daniel Etibek Butterfield was born on March 22, 1980 at 10:22 PM, in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, the fifth and last child of David Butterfield, an economics professor at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and his wife Gregoria. He has a bachelors degree in Communication Studies from McMaster University, and a diploma in Marketing from Mohawk College. After a few career-false starts, he worked as a Search Engine Optimization professional for five years before he experienced miraculous spiritual encounters in 2016. The intensity of these spiritual encounters also landed him in the mental health system as a schizophrenic.

Daniel is also a musician. He is a multi-instrumentalist, starting with the drums at age 8, guitar at 15, piano at 16, trumpet at 20, followed by bass guitar, saxophone, mandolin, trombone, violin, lap steel, harmonica, and flute. As a producer, mix engineer, and mastering engineer, he self-produced and released his debut album, Self Confidence, in 2022. You can hear it on Spotify, YouTube, and major streaming platforms.

Latest on the blog/newsroll

  • Tribulation Watch, Batch #11

    Tribulation Watch, Batch #11

    These are also “Tribulation Watch” news events. Where there are news items, the story is a cover-up for an incident where the Creator—God, the Lord, the deity of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious traditions who, it…

  • Tribulation Watch, Batch #10

    Tribulation Watch, Batch #10

    These are also “Tribulation Watch” news events. Where there are news items, the story is a cover-up for an incident where the Creator—God, the Lord, the deity of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious traditions who, it…

  • Tribulation Watch, Batch #9

    Tribulation Watch, Batch #9

    These are also “Tribulation Watch” news events. Where there are news items, the story is a cover-up for an incident where the Creator—God, the Lord, the deity of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic religious traditions who, it…

Blog posts

(Disclaimer: Given that there’s no evidence being presented on this site that isn’t circumstantial, the contents of this site, where claims are made that contradict what others may understand, are an exercise in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

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