Communique with the people in authority, especially regarding the British Crown

Communique with the people in authority, especially regarding the British Crown

Hello; this is directed to whom it does concern…

If you were told that you cannot communicate with Daniel directly (e.g. “Under no circumstances”), please know that the man who gave those orders is deceased. That policy needs to change—he—Joseph Franks—was concerned about safety. It’s safe to communicate directly.

By the way, I am a channeler and a medium, and I have contact with spirits of dead people from the “other side”. That’s where I’m coming from, and I know that that’s not an acceptable claim to make according to the belief systems of most people.

But I am indeed a special mystic born here for a special purpose, and that’s why I’m still alive, and can’t be killed.

This is Daniel and the Lions’ Den. The Book of Daniel, from the Old Testament, was the last thing channeled to the Hebrews/Jews.

The Old Testament is the Hebrews/Jews’ record of their mystical experiences. Its contents were discovered and called “The Dead Sea Scrolls”.

If it seems like there’s been a forcefield around me—you’re absolutely right. That’s what it is. And it’s not a man-made artifact.

Please reach out to me directly, and ignore the warning about revealing nothing to me

However, it is by Divine Ordinance that I am to the new monarch of Great Britain. It is also the case that I am at the highest possible level on the royal bloodline and that I took out the previous royal family with a pair of leaks about the Hollywood Sex System, satan’s world order, and the British Crown’s involvement. I deliberately committed an act of public mischief in October 2023 and was prosecuted by the justice system, by which I went unpunished. That made it official.

I look forward to connecting with the right people through email; please reach out to me at daniel (at)danielbutterfield[dot]com, or through my Facebook page using Messenger. We can set up further communication channels (e.g. phone, video chat) from there.

I have seen the posts from “Michelle Vanderbilt Perry.” I will review.

If you are wondering, I intend to prepare a brief explication of my personal philosophies and thoughts about political perspectives. Your patience is appreciated; things have been quite busy lately.

Update, April 2: Here it is:


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