To my family: Stop sabotaging my car

To my family: Stop sabotaging my car

This has cost me over $400 now. The Source/God is NOT HAPPY with you about this; I am Her Son, Her Human Vehicle. (Please don’t quibble over the gender pronoun because you believe in books people wrote like a Protestant. The Lord, Old Testament Jehovah, works in mysterious ways because She is the Divine Feminine, and She is represented in Catholicism as the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.)

Look—Once this comes to roost in the world, which I’ve been assured is coming, eventually, and fairly soon—we can talk it over and start fresh. But you’re not making it easy for me.

It’s like you don’t give a shit about the future as it’s going to be, given that the legal case has proven that I’m at the top of the legal system, and you people don’t have the sense to keep from fighting with me in public.


That day in court—It became clear to me that you people fabricate stories about me. I can’t trust you to do anything but make up your own incomplete psychologically-primitive versions of my life as you saw it from your narcissistic distance.

I channeled that Ron, at his wife’s suggestion, intended to have me produce recorded music that he would then pass off as his own contribution as a music teacher in the Halton public school system. Somehow he thought that it is okay that I would sacrifice my spare time, where I have a finite amount of time to work on my own creatiive career as a musician, to do work for him for free, as if my time doesn’t matter at all—so that he could pass it off as his own creative work.

I’ve channeled that you’ve tried to have me killed multiple times. We’ve had a medical emergency because of your attitude towards me.

I’ve channeled more about you people than I’ve let on. The Source knows everything that happened to every person, and She (your version of Christianity says “He”) can share that information with me, and She has, and She does.

I hope you have the decency and sense to stop trying to counter/cross/hurt me. You can’t stop me. You can’t defeat me. You can’t stop this. You can’t stop Fate. You are only making it worse by keeping this up.

Please know that as soon as I can afford it, materially and emotionally, I am moving out on my own.

Stop this useless Freemason tactic of trying to “weaken” me by taking little shots to hurt me—It won’t work, and you will only cause more suffering for yourselves; you already caused one medical emergency. I am The Source living as a human, the Second Coming, here to preside over the Earth the rest of the way, and I am the Prophet Daniel, who is fated to win, no matter what.

(Also, both times I’ve had to have my car repaired, the GTA has been hit with anamolous, epic flooding. This is a supernatural phenomenon here, which is why I was able to walk on the farm property at the end of Flatt Road Extension and drive through Gilson Point Place without being harmed.)


Related posts:
Divine Intervention Tribulation Weather in Toronto and the GTA, July 16, 2024
Divine Intervention Tribulation Weather in Toronto and the GTA, Part II, August 17, 2024

Veiled response to me through Canadian news media—”Romana Didulo” YouTube playlist:

Spiritual protection in action:

Canada Day Gunshots in Downtown Burlington, Ontario, Canada, July 1, 2024, 9 pm
Country walk to the north end of Hidden Valley off Flatt Road Extension, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Daniel Butterfield Driving Through the Gilson Point Place Kawartha Lakes Leadership Neighbourhood
Freemason motorcycle gang initiation cliff off Scenic Drive in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Divine Intervention on video:

Strange Occurrence During Drum Practice (November 2020)
Full Video of “Strange Occurrence During Drum Practice (November 2020)”

Me sending a 15-page leak called “The Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder” to 71 North American recipients (newspapers, magazines, online news) on July 28, 2023:


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