Channeling – Algae is the product of dead bodies in (the) water

Channeling – Algae is the product of dead bodies in (the) water

This came up after I saw this story on CHCH News:

Large blue-green algae blooms plague waters in Hamilton, Burlington

I received this bit of channeled information, a “block of thought”, as Esther Hicks describes it, formed into words, I forget which exactly—

Algae forms on water where there is a dead body in it.

So that means there are dead bodies plaguing the water in Lake Ontario around Hamilton and Burlington.

Historically, personally, I am quite familiar with this phenomenon.

  • First of all, last week, I was walking in downtown Burlington, and I smelled a stench coming from a sewer grate. Channeled message I received: that’s dead bodies.
  • Second, I lived in Hamilton for nine years, the last six of which were at the West Park Towers building on the edge of Dundas and Hamilton, overlooking the valley behind University Plaza off Osler Drive. I remember, very distinctly, that same smell, and how there would be days, especially in the summer, where it would be particularly pungent in that part of town, and it makes absolute sense to me that that stench was coming from the sewers. I remember it very well.
  • Third, I grew up in Burlington, and I recall how for much of my youth, you couldn’t swim in the lake because the water wasn’t clean enough. Generally, they would blame industrial pollution from the steel mills, but I remember very distinctly what it used to smell like down on the beach strip. Only in the nineties did they start using the beaches again.

• Fourth, recently I channeled that bogs and marshes, in general, are the product of bodies being dumped in water, generally shallow water, because of the ease of access.

The marshes at the Royal Botanical Gardens in West Burlington, and the marshes at the west end of Cootes Paradise, near the McMaster Universtiy campus, are marshes because that’s where the Musitanos preferred to dump bodies, for seventy years.

In 1876, the Four Families, descendants of the Medici banking family, used their recent break-in at Yale to assert their power in North America and force a compromise with the Freemason world—the Medicis bought their way into the top level of Freemasonry for 1.8 billion pounds of gold.

The representatives of the Four Families were Salvatore Luciano, Francisco Musitano, Salvatore Lorei, and Alessandro Gambino.

These families were assigned a fake historical record in the Franks/von Franken famiy’s records of the descendants of the Frankish kings, who, as they knew, covered up their own history at times, to obscure that the Frankish kings were descended from the Roman Patrician line of Julius Caesar.

The Four Families were given a fictional ancestor, Lucius Julius Libo, consul 267 BC, who was the great-great-great-great-great grandfather of Julius Caesar, and the 35th-great-grandfather of Charlemagne. That’s the purchased basis of their claim to royalty.

(Similarly, the von Frankens bought their descendancy from the original Angouleme family in 1128 AD. They, the family whose descendants included the Windsors and the Franks of Burlington, bought their royal heritage.)

The swamps of the New Jersey Meadowlands location, where Giants Stadium was built, were swamps because that’s where the Mafia, which was the secret-Freemasonry-based organization that involved the Italian families, chose to dispose of bodies.

(I channeled that Jimmy Hoffa was interred beneath the 50-yard line of Giants Stadium, after being horribly tortured, as the original legend suggested, and not in the parking lot, as has also been publicized.)

I channeled that Lucy, the so-called Australopithecus whose remains were found in a bog in Africa and estimated to be about 250,000 years old, was actually a young girl who had been raped and murdered about eighty years prior.

Bogs in England/Britain—same thing. Bodies, it turns out, do not decompose under water the way they do if you bury them.

I’ve channeled that Lake Ontario is as cold as it is, and has as few fish in it as it does, because since the British arrived here, over 700,000,000 million bodies have been dumped in it.

Here’s the transcript from CHCH’s story:

it happens around this time of year
every year a thick sludge-like layer of
blue green algae in the Hamilton Harbor
this year the thick buildup is
particularly unbearable at Bayfront Park
causing a strong foul smell as Danielle
degra reports there is no Simple
Solution on the way looks like a green
wool blanket trapped under the surface
of the water blue green algae happens
every year but this summer it has been
unbearable for some people in Hamilton
and Burlington There Was You Know
floating masses of this blue green type
of algae I guess but it was significant
I’ve never seen that amount of um algae
or or biomass ever Brad who didn’t want
to share his last name says the algae in
the harbor behind his Home in Burlington
has lasted for 3 days now it’s expanded
to the Lal Harbor too it was irritating
uh to the uh air passages and we
couldn’t stand down here or stay down
here too long the experience is worse
down at Bayfront in
Hamilton boat owner Anthony Alwood says
he’s been living with the unbearable
stench for 3 weeks he says the algae is
expected at this time of the summer but
this year the smell makes it hard to
live with it was like if an ouse was
left in the Sun for 3 weeks and got
moldy um it’s kind of kind of hard to
eat and then come walk down here
sometimes with us odor there were other
Boat Owners at this Marina that wanted
to make comment but didn’t want to say
it on camera they said that they’ve been
trying to contact City Hall about a
solution but we’re looking forward to
today’s meeting to see what could be
done the algae was on today’s agenda at
the Hamilton City council meeting
councelor Cameron cret says the problem
is quote
insurmountable and cites climate change
and environmental causes such as the
amount of rainfall received this year we
can’t just go down there with a fire
hose like we did in the past perhaps and
spray these mats hoping that will assist
why we can’t go down there and vacuum
these mats up because when we do that
not only do they come back in 72 hours
but it makes them grow it makes them
spread it makes the problem worse a
motion was passed supporting a so-called
Watershed action plan that aims to
prevent large algae blooms in the long
term however there are no immediate
relief actions planned other than
monitoring the problem in the past the
city has used sucker trucks to vacuum
the algae from Bayfront but in an email
to chch news the city says removing
algae mechanically could also create
Airborne toxins that would put the
public and staff at risk additionally
disturbing the algae can lead to it
growing larger and spreading more widely
in the harbor so for now the stench is
expected to last until the algae breaks
down on its own
Danielle degra chch news

I just wanted to call out this:

It happens around this time of year every year: a thick sludge-like layer of
blue green algae in the Hamilton Harbor. This year, the thick buildup is
particularly unbearable at Bayfront Park, causing a strong foul smell as, Danielle
Degraauw reports.

…Blue green algae happens
every year
but this summer it has been
unbearable for some people in Hamilton
and Burlington.

It happens every year because things outside freeze in the winter.

There’s a Kids in the Hall sketch where the joke is that the character loves the Spring because that’s when he buries people he killed over the winter—however, if you’ve ever tried digging outside in the spring after a cold winter, you’ll find that the ground is still frozen. Stays frozen and doesn’t warm up until the summer, and similiarly, the water in lakes and rivers takes until the summer to warm up from the winter chill.

And that’s why you get that smell, and you see blue-green algae in the water Burlington Bay and Hamilton Harbour at the west end of Lake Ontario, and it happens every yearyoui’re smelling dead bodies from the previous winter.

Oh, Canada. Capital of Freemasonry and the British Empire’s World Order. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only person who has referred to Hamilton as “the armpit of Ontario”.

I lived there for nine years, and I quite liked the place, to be honest. I met some very nice people in Hamilton. Same goes for my four years in Oshawa. And you know what? I’m pretty sure the Shwa doesn’t smell like that.

I just channeled, from a spirit on the other side familiar with the place, that New Jersey also smells like rotting corpses.

Update, August 29, 2024:

From CHCH News: Hamilton’s Beach Boulevard beach closed after blue green algae found.


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