From Reddit: Second clip of impact at Pentagon on 9/11 showing a missile-like object

From Reddit: Second clip of impact at Pentagon on 9/11 showing a missile-like object

Found this on Reddit, at Here’s the clip from my YouTube channel, along with the other clip I found on Wikimedia Commons:

I’ve updated the first blog post about what I channeled about 9/11—that the impact at the Pentagon was caused by a Cruise missile fired from Langley.

(Given that there’s no evidence being presented here that isn’t circumstantial (aside from the video evidence), this post and the others like this are an exercise in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

I channeled that this clip, posted on Reddit by a user since deleted, was recorded by an FBI agent, from a hill, several miles away. The clip is of someone shooting a video monitor that is playing the impact footage on a loop, and zooms in on the impact.

It appears to show a long, thin, white object not unlike a missile and basically unlike a Boeing 757 whose wings snap back, as was reported. That is consistent with the security footage from Wikimedia Commons.

For the full account, including background about the reasons why, read Video of Cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11—Security video from Wikimedia Commons.


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