Channeling — Picking up the spirit of the late Rudy Sbranchella, “man known to police”

Channeling — Picking up the spirit of the late Rudy Sbranchella, “man known to police”

I’ve been haunted recently by the spirit of this guy, Rudy Sbranchella, because he was in my first grade class at St. John’s Elementary School in Burlington, Ontario, Canada, in 1986-87.

Years later, I’d see this story in the local news:“Hamilton Police Identify man responsible for dollar store stabbing”.

I channeled that the victim had caught him masturbating. I also channeled that he had been kicked out of the first grade at St. John’s for masturbating in front of a student, behaviour that had started around that time and continued without stopping the rest of this life. That’s why I stopped seeing him at school; I never heard anything about him or what happened after that.

I also channeled that his father, former Hell’s Angels/Satan’s Choice Motorcycle Club captain (and interim leader) Anthony Reposo, had him taken out to the end of Hidden Valley Road in Burlington and had him executed. I actually started channeling him shortly after that.

Anyway, the guy’s got an IQ in the 30’s, was illiterate, couldn’t work, and he loves to insult me for being a nerd, or a geek, with glasses. He loves to call me a loser and a geek any time I do anything that resembles what a “smart person” does. A lot of it comes up in relation to television and music, about which he has declared himself an authority. I have to endure this most days.

I’m looking forward to the end of this phase of intense channeling of spirits from the afterlife, which has been continuous since July of 2020. I’ve been “assured” that this is my Forty Days in the Desert period, in which I am inundated with hellish, nightmarish demons composed of a swath of humanity at its worst, exposing the feelings they’d never dare share in 3-D, living, corporeal life.

I am exposed to the Fourth Dimension—the realm of eternal souls, the interconnected interiors of all the human beings, in the afterlife, in heaven, which is physically all around us on Earth.

Keeping the faith.


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