Amazing audio/video: Gunshots on Canada Day night in downtown Burlington

Amazing audio/video: Gunshots on Canada Day night in downtown Burlington

I was in my kitchen last night, Monday night, Canada Day 2024 in downtown Burlington, Ontario, when I heard what sounded like fireworks exploding in short succession. I was about to have a beer on the patio, and I rushed outside when I heard the noise. I grabbed my beer and my phone and got the video running to capture the sounds I was hearing. The video starts at exactly 9:00 PM.

(Given that there’s no evidence being presented here that isn’t circumstantial, this post and the others like this are exercises in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

“Having a blast” on the patio, Canada Day 2024, 9 pm.

There’s about 10 minutes of loud bangs.

I channeled, as it was happening, that this was part of the Great Divine End Times Plan, the Great Tribulation, the Rapture, and what happens when the motorcycle club people are together in one place, when the Lord, the Creator of the Universe, is taking them out.

(Updated, July 28, 2024.)


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