Facebook comment suggesting confirmation of the contents of “The Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”

Facebook comment suggesting confirmation of the contents of “The Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”

This appeared on Facebook as a comment on my blog post, “The Bob Saget Missive and The Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder,” on February 23, 2024. It appears to be from someone involved in the world of satan’s world order, and the Facebook user in question is stunned enough to see what’s included in the letter that she left several comments.

(Given that there’s no evidence being presented here that isn’t circumstantial, this post and the others like this are exercises in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

I’ve extracted the text from the screen captures, and blocked out the name of the Facebook user who left it. These passages line jumped out at me in particular:

This is claimed to be a work of hypothesis and entertainment. However, with the harsh response of the censorship system, fact checkers, and how fast this information is being taken down from other websites that decided that it was worth sharing, is alarming and is the exact same response to people who criticized the pandemic and lock downs and those pushing the false and fake narratives that have since been exposed.

Take from that what you will.

Facebook User, February 23, 2024

I’ve heard alot of this stuff from my own circles over the years. To see it all put together is more disturbing then I thought it would be. I feel sick.

Facebook User, February 23, 2024

The user’s profile seems to have been deleted. I took three screen caps. The full version is typed out below.

Full text of the Facebook user’s comments:

A very interesting read.

This is claimed to be a work of hypothesis and entertainment. However, with the harsh response
of the censorship system, fact checkers, and how fast this information is being taken down from
other websites that decided that it was worth sharing, is alarming and is the exact same response
to people who criticized the pandemic and lock downs and those pushing the false and fake
narratives that have since been exposed.

Take from that what you will.

The Bob Saget Missive and the Saget Missive 2: Saget Hard
The Bob Saget Missive and the Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder

In January of 2022, the news went out that actor Bob Saget, star of Full House, America’s Funniest
Home Videos, the narrator on How I Met Your Mother, and a respected stand-up comedian, had
died at a motel in Florida at age 65.

The original reports suggested that no foul play was suspected, but shortly thereafter, a local
news outlet sent a reporter to the motel who interviewed the employee who found Saget’s body,
and she reported that he had suffered multiple skull fractures, and there was bruising around his
eyes. It sounded questionable that someone would have suffered such massive head injuries,
then, without calling for help, put himself to bed to go to sleep.

The theory of pedowood.

Shortly thereafter, a follow-up story was published in which a medical professional explained how
these sorts of “unwitnessed falls” are basically normal and there isn’t any reason to suspect
anything with regard to the Saget death story.

This isn’t anything that has been acknowledged publicly, but I happen to be very personally aware
of this…

The Letter to the Seattle Times, March-April 2022

On Sunday, March 27, 2022, the Clintons, Bill and Hillary, part of the family at the top-level of
Freemasonry, and the lead brain trust handling matters on behalf of the British Crown, at the top
of satan’s world order (formerly known as “The System” and “the Illuminati”), received a
communique from the editor of The Seattle Times explaining that they had received a letter that
mentioned several pieces of very sensitive information, including mention of their involvement in
his execution, printed in a system font that looked like this:

This is what was written:

Okay… So here’s the deal with Bob Saget’s death. I can’t exactly reveal how I know this.
Pedos. Hollywood. It’s tied in with that.

The Clintons-they’re deep into it, and they have people killed.

Their big guy in Hollywood right now, in procuring children, is Matthew McConaughey.

Back in the day it used to be Jack Warden. It was big with network TV people. That’s how actors
Charles Wagenheim and Victor Kilian both ended up dead, beaten to death by burglars
supposedly, after appearing on the same episode of All in the Family-they talked.
These people swap children for child-sex/pedophilia purposes. Epstein/Maxwell are part of that,
and so was the death of JonBenet Ramsey.

People who are a threat to expose it can find themselves dead or out of Hollywood.
Saget himself indulged in that activity, and he said something to someone else (possibly Hilary
Clinton, or McConaughey), that indicated he was a threat to expose them.
They got to him after the show, and killed him by using his head as a golf ball-they smashed his
head multiple times with a golf club. That’s why he had those head injuries.
(I have to stay anonymous. Thanks.)

“The Bob Saget Missive”, as named by the Clintons, who received it on March 27, 2022.
I sent that letter, later called ‘The Bob Saget Missive”, on Thursday, March 24, 2022, from a
mailbox at Thorold Stone Road and Kalar Road in Niagara Falls, Ontario, the nearest border town.
I sent four copies of the letter that day, not expecting anything to be published, but merely
hoping that the presence of these particular buzzing hornets would be a source of trouble for the
people involved. The recipients were the Seattle Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, St. Louis Post-
Dispatch, and the Miami Herald.

The letter known as “The Bob Saget Missive” was sent from that mailbox, next to Pie Guys
Pizzeria, at the intersection of Thorold Stone Road (the first freeway exit in Niagara Falls) and Kalar Road, in Niagara Falls, Ontario, at about 4:38 PM on Thursday, March 24, 2022.

A very tense conference call took place on April 1, 2022, where the matter was raised with over
300 top-ranking members of satan’s world order.

Over the next year and a half, cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed on the set of Rust; the
film industry’s Writers and Actors Guilds went on strike, and actors Jeremy Renner and Jamie Foxx
were hospitalized under mysterious circumstances, speaking to the world publicly in their
debilitated states. At the Coronation of King Charles III, his sons, Princes William and Harry, and
Harry’s wife Megan were absent.

The Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder

On Friday, July 28, 2023, I sent a follow-up to a longer distribution list. This one was fourteen
pages long, plus a fifteenth page with a distribution list, indicating that it had been sent to 75
recipients in North America and 12 in Europe, Asia, and Australia. I titled it, “Saget Missive 2:
Saget Harder”, a reference to the sequel to Die Hard. This video captures the mailout to North
American recipients:

The copy that was sent to Saudi Arabia was forwarded to the British Royal Family at Buckingham

This is a video of a reading of the “Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”:

This is the text of the “Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”:

W. Averell Harriman State Office Building
1220 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12203
July 27, 2023

Last year, I mailed a letter to the Seattle Times and three other news outlets. The contents of that
letter, printed simply in a system font, were this:

Okay… So here’s the deal with Bob Saget’s death. I can’t exactly reveal how I know this.

Pedos. Hollywood. Its tied in with that.

The Clintons—they’re deep into it, and they have people killed.

Their big guy in Hollywood right now, in procuring children, is Matthew McConaughey.

Back in the day it used to be Jack Warden. It was big with network TV people. That’s how actors
Charles Wagenheim and Victor Kilian both ended up dead, beaten to death by burglars
supposedly, after appearing on the same episode of All in the Family—they talked.

These people swap children for child-sex/pedophilia purposes. Epstein/Maxwell are part of that,
and so was the death of JonBenet Ramsey.

People who are a threat to expose it can find themselves dead or out of Hollywood.

Saget himself indulged in that activity, and he said something to someone else (possibly Hilary
Clinton, or McConaughey), that indicated he was a threat to expose them.

They got to him after the show, and killed him by using his head as a golf ball—they smashed his head multiple times with a golf club. That’s why he had those head injuries.

(I have to stay anonymous. Thanks.)

* * *

The death of Bob Saget. That particular cover-up got foiled because a media outlet sent a reporter to do their own news account, and the story got away from “Them.” There was a flimsy piece published as online news to quell disputes about the narrative. The efforts by Saget’s family to keep medical records from being released were to prevent further harm from coming to them, after having been made to witness his torture and execution.

There has been talk recently about the medical condition of Jamie Foxx and how he ended up that way, talk about Oprah Winfrey, talk by Mel Gibson, talk by Ice Cube about “gatekeepers” who are supposedly up to something bad.

The letter to The Seattle Times was taken seriously enough that a call went out to 347 people on April 1, 2022. Among other annoyances, they were annoyed by the stylistic choices made by the leaker. The letter was not written by Jeremy Renner, though it would seem he took the blame for it, possibly to prevent other innocent people from getting hurt. This letter, the one you’re reading, was also not written by Jeremy Renner.

People present at the ritualistic murder of Bob Saget on the property of George W. Bush included Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Roger Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Matthew McConaughey, Will Smith, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Eddie Murphy, and William Forsythe. Saget’s family was also there, forced to watch while naked and being sexually abused with eels in a swimming pool, of all things. Attendees took turns hitting Saget’s head and face with a golf club and a vehicle was driven on his head (by Roger Clinton) to kill him, after which his body was hanged. Ryan acted in particularly poor taste.

The initial news account of Saget’s death, upon the discovery of his body at his hotel, stated that foul play was not suspected.

He had been approached by Gilbert Gottfried after a show. Saget’s offense seems to have been to threaten Hillary Clinton (with McConaughey present) regarding “Their” illicit operations in rigging the 2020 U.S. presidential election; it would seem that it just isn’t the case that “Electable Joe” Biden honestly earned more votes than Barack Obama did in both 2008 and 2012. Saget, it turns out, was part of a leak of “information above levels” in which knowledge of 9/11 machinations was leaked to Saget, Norm Macdonald, Bernie Mac, and Gilbert Gottfried, all of whom ended up dying suddenly (undisclosed cancer in the case of Macdonald and Gottfried).

There’s a historical event that’s significant here. In 1777, a bicycle messenger in Leipzig, Prussia (now Germany) was struck by lightning, and the documents he was carrying revealed the existence of a clandestine group called The Illuminati who were carrying out secret plots that took place over the course of decades. Now, here’s something they learned sometime after that–if you don’t name the thing, it’s harder to pin down. In 19th century Canada, “They” didn’t call it “the Family Compact,” but crusader William Lyon Mackenzie did. They learned how to make it harder for outsiders to identify and define Them and know what They do.

These aren’t dumb people here. They’ve been practicing the art of secret-keeping for a long time. It’s ultimately Freemasonry, and there are insiders who know that the House of Plantagenet changed English history to erase the existence of the historical King Arthur. They believe in maintaining influence across time and across society, so they perpetuate themselves in families, across generations. “Across society” includes having people on opposite sides in a political conflict. The current incarnation, which has a firm grip on the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands (and others as well, including the new government in Ukraine, which took over in a coup in 2013), has been at their machinations since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. That’s over 400 years. The current British Royal Family is the top level, along with the Clintons.

Historian Antony Sutton wrote a book about an American faction he discovered, the Order of the Skull and Bones, at Yale, whose membership includes George W. Bush, his father George H.W. Bush, and his father, Prescott Bush. Sutton’s work is basically accurate. That group dates back to 1832. The American contingent was brought into integration with the European faction by Elihu Root, who served as Secretary of War and Secretary of State. Former New York state governor Averell Harriman was a high-ranking member of The Group who was a Yale Skull and Bonesman. Skull and Bonesmen founded both the American Historical Association as well as the American Economic Association, to wield influence over what gets to be considered as “official history” or “official economic thought.” The University of California was founded by a Skull and Bonesman as well.

At another point in the history of America, in 1927, film moguls Samuel Goldwyn and Louis B. Mayer killed their business associate, Marcus Loew, because he objected to Goldwyn’s creation–a system where Hollywood aspirants would agree to participate in “child sex swapping,” and offer their children to “the system,” where they (can) participate in pedophilia with other people’s children and only then get considered for film (and later TV) work. This is how Wikipedia describes Marcus Loew’s death: “Though MGM was immediately successful, Loew died in 1927 of a heart attack at the age of 57 at his country home in Glen Cove, New York.” He was actually crushed to death under an iron bookcase by his associates. He was the first of many victims of “the system.”

It also involves child actors being sexually accessible to adults, and this is what actor Corey Feldman was talking about. Feldman’s story, along with that of actor Terry Crews (who was actually referring to Matthew McConaughey), was drowned out deliberately by a contrived flood of #MeToo stories, including those of actor Aziz Ansari, comedian Louis CK, and writer/producer Dan Harmon.

There has long been a central figure involved in organizing it and recruiting people. This function has been served by Milton Berle, Brian Keith, Jack Warden, his Crazy Like a Fox co-star John Rubinstein, Alec Baldwin, Will Smith, and currently, Matthew McConaughey. Someone like Jason Sudeikis might make a suitable replacement in the future.

This is likely what Ice Cube is referring to when he speaks of “gatekeepers” and secret things they shouldn’t be doing. Membership comes from offering up children; yours or your family’s in some cases. Hollywood is the kind of place where Norm Macdonald could pay $800+ for sex with a 15-year-old Brittany Snow when she was an actress on Guiding Light. It’s also the kind of place where Guiding Light actor Grant Aleksandr had sex with his child co-star, Hayden Panettiere, and the male co-stars of Full House had sex with the underage Olsen twins.

This type of organized child sex has been integrated into this high-level world of “worldly” people–basically, anyone who would have been part of Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express experience; Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Philip–that cohort. JonBenet Ramsey’s death occurred at their ‘96 Christmas party. She was killed by a male relative who was having sex with her; she had snapped and started punching him, and in response, he crushed her skull. Famous people like the Clintons, David Crosby, and Tom Hanks were there. Ramsey was personally recruited into that world by Bill Clinton. She had a sister who ended up as one of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex slaves, and was eventually killed for threatening to talk.

One repercussion of this particular incident is that it was discussed in public at some point afterwards, at a hotel restaurant/bar, by actor William Forsythe, loud enough to be overheard and recorded by someone there who worked for the National Enquirer. This tape was then kept in their offices in World Trade Center Building 7, the third tower that fell on September 11, 2001, later that afternoon. The destruction of this tape, of Forsythe talking about the Ramsey murder, is the thing that necessitated the destruction of the towers, the entire “act” of “terrorism” in the first place, and the deaths of the innocent people who died that day.

Forsythe is also the one responsible for the spate of people who placed financial bets against the airlines involved in 9/11 but didn’t pick up on them–he talked about the opportunity, and enough people took advantage that it drew suspicion.

9/11 has been one of the group’s sensitive subjects, as it leads to objections from participants who agreed to join but were disturbed by the truths they learned, like actress Annie Wersching. Drug smuggling is another one. Threatening to talk, or spilling secrets about illicit activity behind the scenes–these can get people killed. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was another project conducted secretly and deliberately by “Them” that led to objections from within. Actor Clarence Gilyard, Jr. was used as a test subject for the virus, which was generated in a lab in Wuhan like people suspect, spread from the fish market as the medical reports suggest.

The Hollywood portion of “the system,” Goldwyn’s system from the 1920s, had killed over 780 people in secret as of October of last year, their deaths reported as suicides, heart attacks, unpublicized cancer, or something else. Older people are particularly susceptible–their deaths are less likely to be questioned.

There are enough in-roads of These People in police departments–not just the Hollywood part of These People, but the whole lot of Them–that They can cover up the truth about deaths, especially in Los Angeles. In a place like Canada, you’ll find police more likely to have been corrupted by the motorcycle-gang-Freemason component of Them.

There are enough in-roads of these people in mainstream media outlets that a copy of the previous letter sent about Bob Saget’s death, the one received by The Seattle Times around March 27 or so, was immediately passed on to These People, as I mentioned earlier.

Lisa Marie Presley’s death, shortly after the Golden Globes, was the result of her response to the threat sent out by the Clintons after the Saget Missive. There’s a device they use that seems to be especially theirs–it’s referred to as a “joybuzzer.” It’s a small, simple plastic device that is held in one’s palm with a ring like a joybuzzer, but it has two sharp needles that inject a deadly combination of substances: ketamine and cyanide. Slapped on someone hard enough, it penetrates the skin, injecting the two substances. The ketamine makes the victim/target disoriented and in need of sleep, and when they go to sleep, the cyanide takes effect and kills them. It’s a slow-release, fatal weapon, and those who wield one operate above the law. Presley confronted Matthew McConaughey with her displeasure about the Saget situation and was “clapped” with a joybuzzer, for insolence. Clarence Gilyard, Jr.’s death was administered with this method (by Bill Clinton), as was Norm Macdonald’s (by George W. Bush).

If it wasn’t obvious already–Bill and Hillary Clinton kill people. In the ballpark of 500 at the latest estimate.

For the rest of this missive, I’ll use bullet points to loosely organize the stories–secrets of “The Business.”

• In the case of actors Victor Kilian and Charles Wagenheim, the two 88-year-old actors had guest roles on an episode of All in the Family in 1979. One of them approached actor Rob Reiner to see if they could “get back in” with the child sex system. Reiner was then tasked with killing the two men, which he did with actor Carroll O’Connor present to make sure he did it. Both Kilian and Wagenheim are listed as having been beaten to death by burglars in their Hollywood apartments; both were killed before the episode aired.

• Actor William Holden’s death was actually the result of his role as an enforcer going wrong. He was sent to kill Paul Lynde, but was overpowered, and Lynde killed him instead. Lynde was eventually shot and killed by Jack Warden.

• William Holden and actor George McDaniel, who passed away in January 2023 according to his IMDb profile, killed actor Jack Cassidy, father of David and Shaun Cassidy, by setting him on fire. Cassidy had objected to his sons becoming part of “the system.”

• George McDaniel was an enforcer who killed somewhere around 100 people. He and CHiPs actor Larry Wilcox killed actor Peter Finch, who was becoming a threat during the promotion of Network.

• Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was deliberately killed by Alec Baldwin. She had seen or overheard him discussing The Saget Missive on the set of Rust, and confronted him about it.

• Actress Kirstie Alley was murdered. Possible that the method was that she was forced to jump to her death, and the issue was her objection to the 2020 U.S. election theft.

• Actor Lance Reddick was murdered. The issue was the Saget Missive. Possible that he was garroted.

• Actor Jeremy Renner was not injured in a snow plow accident, but was attacked by enforcer William Forsythe. He elected to take the blame for writing the Saget Missive, though it’s questionable how he could know enough to write what was written, unless he’s very talkative and stealthful. In his television interview, he mentioned something he’d done that had hurt people.

• Actress Annie Wersching was murdered. There was a “gathering” at her execution. Possible that the method was throwing or dropping her from a ledge. She objected generally to all the secret, awful activity, including the threatening response to the Saget Missive.

• Comedian Gilbert Gottfried was killed shortly after the Saget Missive was discovered (around March 27, 2022); his date of death is listed as April 12, 2022. As mentioned earlier, Gottfried was part of the leak that also claimed the lives of Bernie Mac and Norm Macdonald.

• Actor Isaac Kappy did not commit suicide, and was indeed killed for discussing what Wikipedia more or less accurately calls “a cabal of Satan-worshipping child molesters who run a global child sex-trafficking ring.”

• Madeline McCann was kidnapped as part of “Their” activity, and has been held captive as a sex slave. Her kidnapping was asked for by Prince Charles. Insiders at higher levels can have access to her. It’s possible that her location is on Carrer del Golf de Lleo in Palma, Mallorca, Spain. Possibly #17.

• Night Court actors Harry Anderson (2018, shot in the face), Charles/Charlie Robinson (2021), and Markie Post (2021, less than a month after Robinson) were murdered. Anderson had objected to earlier murders, including those of actor Bill Paxton, baseball players Gary Carter and Dave Henderson, and particularly that of co-star Florence Halop, who objected to the system and was killed. Anderson had talked to Robinson about Halop. Robinson was pumped for information about Anderson after being “clapped” in the hand. Post was then visited by Bill Clinton, who made sexual advances on her, which she refused, before “clapping” her with a joybuzzer.

• Musician Ric Ocasek (of the band The Cars) was killed by the Clintons in a ritualistic ceremony involving torture, after being “ratted out” by musician Billy Joel. Musician David Bowie was killed in a similar manner, after musician Eric Clapton sounded the alarm. In both cases, they had knowledge about what you could call “The California Situation ‘91-’98,” an information leak in which musicians were killed, including Jerry Garcia, Nicky Hopkins and Dino Valenti (a.k.a. Chet Powers).

• The California Situation involved leaks from musician Philip Taylor Kramer, who played bass for Iron Butterfly. Musician Lee Underwood, who played in Tim Buckley’s band, was chainsawed in four in a Satanist method known as “crossing.” Kramer’s disappearance and death is still considered a mystery to this day. Kramer had knowledge of California drug smuggling, the kind which was reported by LAPD Detective Mike Ruppert at a press conference with CIA Director John Deutch in 1996. Ruppert, who published a website called From the Wilderness, incidentally, did not commit suicide as was reported, but was murdered (carried out by a Lance Corporal Ron Cummins).

• Musician Gram Parsons and tattoo artist Norman “Sailor Jerry” Collins were killed because they found out about the California drug smuggling operation, which was overseen by Richard Nixon, President at the time, and long-time high-level member in The Group.

• Musician George Michael was killed over his knowledge of the illicit sexual behavior of now-disgraced TV host Jimmy Savile.

• Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman tried to go on the record about The Group in an interview (possibly with someone like Charlie Rose). The piece was quashed, and Hoffman was executed. He was killed by the “crossing” method, and his death was reported as a heroin overdose.

• Actor Bill Paxton was murdered for being a threat to the system and objecting to 9/11. He was killed using the motorcycle-gang method of drawing-and-quartering.

• Actor John Ritter was killed for objecting to the system while starring on 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter. He had issues with 9/11.

• Actor Michael Kenneth Williams was murdered, clapped on the hand with a joybuzzer by George W. Bush. He had objections to the political scenario, which included the COVID-19 pandemic, which was deliberately foisted on the world by These People in order to pave the way for mass mail-in voting in the 2020 U.S. presidential election, enabling a surge of fake votes at the end for Biden.

• Actor Ed Asner was killed in 2021 over objections to the Clintons’ willingness to kill people with the COVID-19 pandemic. Actor Ned Beatty was killed for the same reason by George W. Bush. Actor Norman Lloyd, at age 106, was killed by Hillary Clinton with a joybuzzer to the hand for raising objections to their handling of Donald Trump’s opposition.

• Cheers casting director Stephen Kolzak was killed for confronting actor Woody Harrelson with information about his childhood, particularly knowledge that his father Charles Harrelson had committed two major political assassinations: the “grassy-knoll” shooting of U.S. President John F. Kennedy (which was ordered, incidentally, by Tammany Hall boss Carmine DeSapio), and the killing of Martin Luther King (which was ordered, incidentally, by Georgia governor Lester Maddox). There’s an in memoriam card for Kolzak at the end of a Cheers episode from 1990.

• Actor Haing S. Ngor was killed for trying to get into “the system” and violating protocol by not offering any children; his killing served as the initiation for members Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Brad Hall.

• Actor Anthony “Tony” Hamilton of the 1980s reboot of Mission: Impossible was murdered using a method employed during that decade–he was injected with AIDS-infected blood from a sample drawn from actor Steve Tracy, who had appeared on Little House on the Prairie as Nellie’s husband. For some reason, Rick Moranis’s character in the film My Blue Heaven wears a San Diego Padres hat while flying a helicopter as a copy of Hamilton’s character wearing the same hat while flying a helicopter.

• Actor Jm J. Bullock became HIV-positive by the same method. He was a serious threat to leak word of “the system.” In his instance, it was about requiring the show’s young actresses to have sex with particular men on request.

• Actor Ted Knight, Bullock’s co-star on Too Close for Comfort, was also murdered, killed over objections to a feature of the system whereby older actors are required to pay more to participate. In days earlier, actor William Frawley was killed over problems with the same feature of the system. Actor and game show host Bert Convy was killed for the same reason.

• The death of actor Anthony Perkins was actually a homicide over the same issue–refusal to pay to keep in. In his case, and in the case of older actors in general–you have to pay to keep them from killing you. Many older actors’ deaths have actually been homicides. For example, comedian Joan Rivers, sadly, was not financially healthy enough to keep them at bay. There are decade-based “fees.” Lauren Bacall was killed after turning 80 and refusing to pay. Betty White refused to pay for living past age 100.

• The deaths of Lucille Ball, and Cary Grant were murders. Ball and Grant were killed by enforcer Lawrence Tierney.

• Other well-known actor deaths were cover-ups for non-payment. Actor Robin Williams did not commit suicide, but was killed for non-payment. In the 1980s, Hill Street Blues actor Michael Conrad was declared to be dying of cancer in a similar situation. His Hill Street co-star Kiel Martin found himself in the same boat a few years later while appearing on the Fox sitcom Second Chance.

• A well-known victim of the AIDS-injection method of carrying out executions was Rock Hudson, who couldn’t figure out how none of his sexual partners had the virus.

• Director Stanley Kubrick was killed by Bill and Hillary Clinton, with Bill Gates in attendance, at a private screening of Eyes Wide Shut on Kubrick’s property, for making the film in the first place, as its contents resembled too closely the real thing. The method involved putting ipecac in the iced tea, and the Clintons taking sips and then spitting them out to sell Kubrick on drinking it.

• The recent death of the Obamas’ personal chef, Tafari Campbell, was related to objections he raised about actor Jamie Foxx’s recent mysterious hospitalization. Foxx, incidentally, seems to have been beaten for raising objections to “the system,” urging leadership to take a vote on getting rid of it.

• Technically, this is unrelated to “the system,” but DJ Stephen “Twitch” Boss was murdered by Matthew McConaughey for refusing the closeted McConaughey’s sexual advances, and then threatening to tell people about the incident. Unfortunately for Boss, McConaughey was armed with a joybuzzer. You could say it’s an offshoot of the Hollywood Sex System.

• Along those lines, there had been in place a practice where aspiring male TV actors could (or in some cases, could only) advance their careers by having gay sex with MTM Productions-affiliated producers Tom Patchett and Jay Tarses. It was knowledge of this system that led to the murder of actor Paul Mace, who had portrayed an orderly on the first season of MTM’s St. Elsewhere, which debuted in 1982. On Mace’s IMDb page, in the trivia section, it is noted that Mace and his ex-wife Judy Ann Jordan both died in road accidents in the same year, 1983.

• While on a clandestine adventure with Roger, President Bill Clinton shot and killed Comedian Bill Hicks for including real information about The Group’s activities in his stand-up comedy, especially the part about new presidents having to watch a film of the Kennedy assassination that’s never been seen before, and looks suspiciously like it’s from the “grassy knoll.” Clinton killed him without saying a word.

• Comedian Mitch Hedberg was murdered over insider information about 9/11.

• Actor Joel Grey was murdered over objections to the system, vulnerable at age 75.

• Soap opera actor Andrew Kavovlt of As the World Turns was sexually abused as a teenager by cast members Elizabeth Hubbard, Eileen Fulton, Kathryn Hays, and Helen Wagner.

• Soap opera actor Michael David Morrison of As the World Turns was killed for threatening to talk about the sexual practices of Guiding Light actor Ron Raines, who would openly masturbate on set.

• Actor Jackie Earle Haley became an actual pedophile after portraying a pedophile in the film Little Children.

• Enforcers over the years have included actors such as:

• Pat Corley (about 43 killed),

• the aforementioned Lawrence Tierney, (about 128 or so killed)

• Alan Hale, Sr. (over 300 killed);

• his son, Alan Hale, Jr. (about 87 killed);

• William Holden (over 75 killed);

• the aforementioned George McDaniel (around 100 killed);

• Norm Alden (about 38 killed);

• Charlie Murphy (Eddie Murphy’s brother) (around 49 or so killed);

• current enforcer William Forsythe (over 30 killed at this point);

• Donald Trump’s ex-wife Ivana Trump was killed by enforcer William Forsythe.

• The Group has offices at the W. Averell Harriman State Office Building in Albany, New York. Former New York state governor Harriman was a high-level member of The Group, enough that he traveled to the Soviet Union in 1983 to negotiate with the Soviets after the issue with the downed Korean airliner–which, incidentally, was shot down by NATO to try to frame the Soviets. NATO also tried to provoke the Soviet into launching missiles in another incident around that time, but as it has been documented, a single Russian military officer refused to give the order to retaliate until he had confirmation.

• As mentioned earlier, actor Bill Paxton did not die from complications from surgery, but was killed by the crossing method. Actor Bruno Kirby was also killed by the same method.

• The method is used against people who demonstrate insolence towards Baphomet; “Baphomet” is basically just the bigger system, bigger than any of them by virtue of its age, that empowers and enriches them. (Kind of like people in 12 Steps whose higher power is the group.) And it’s like Baphomet is the Satanic, demonic beast child of Queen Elizabeth I, that lives on by replacing, maintaining, and sometimes enlarging its system of human-being organs through succession planning. And one of the publicly-known associations these people have long maintained, reaching back to here and earlier, is known as “Freemasonry,” long suspected of secret, nefarious influence.

• Retired baseball player Phil Niekro was killed after being clapped on the hand in public, possibly by Jimmy Carter. He died in his sleep after feeling sick and going home. Broadcaster and actor Bob Uecker is, apparently, a major league leaker, and reported Niekro to high-level biker leader Rick Sutcliffe. He had information about 9/11 funding–that it was bankrolled by ballplayer, former member of George W. Bush’s Texas Rangers (when Bush was club president), and bank owner Nolan Ryan.

• Former baseball manager Dallas Green was shot and killed in a similar incident–he objected to the death of his granddaughter in what happened to be a staged mass shooting, part of a series designed to motivate people to demand and pass gun control legislation. This series began with the Ysidro McDonald’s shooting in 1984. It includes Sandy Hook, (which was carried out by April LaJune and not Adam Lanza, who ended up being a patsy along with his mother); Las Vegas (Paddock, who did it for the money for his woman); and more recently, Buffalo and Uvalde. There are more. Any claim to right-wing political affiliation in these funded shootings is an act.

• April LaJune, incidentally, was the person carrying out the “Q-Anon” phenomenon, which is a misdirect/mislead.

• Former ballplayer Dave Henderson was killed by Bill Clinton with a joybuzzer after confronting him, in another baseball-related leak.

• Former baseball players Gary Carter and Tony Fernandez were killed after progressing too far in the organization and then not being able to carry out their membership. The “motorcycle-gang” contingent of The Group performed a public mislead by publicizing a fake history that began in 1947 (it did not), and by putting out fake accounts of the “Hell’s Angels” by authors Hunter S. Thompson (who was a member) and Yves Lavigne. Late musician Leon Redbone was a high-ranking leader until a problematic incident at the Banshee Cocktail Lounge in Oshawa, Ontario in 1978, after which he had his name legally changed from Dickran Gobalian to “Axift Dalairo.” Notable figures in attendance that night included actor and gang member Stephen McHattie, and future UN military commander Romeo D’Allaire, there celebrating the absorption of a Rock Machine chapter.

• Janice Pennington, prize model on the game show, The Price Is Right, reported that her husband Fritz Stammberger had disappeared mysteriously in order to alert people to his existence. Stammberger actually had objected to the requirement that he and Pennington’s children become involved in the Hollywood Sex System and in response, he was stabbed and killed by host Bob Barker (a Hell’s Angels initiate who has killed several people), on the set of The Price Is Right. Prior to this, Barker stabbed and killed announcer Johnny Olson, who had tried to talk him out of the sexual deeds required of his “Beauties.” Pennington was told to fear for her life if anyone found out.

• Actress Cathryn Damon of Webster was killed for objecting to requests for sexual access to the show’s star, Emmanuel Lewis, from her co-star, Eugene Roche.

• In Canada, the “biker” contingent involves the current generations of families dating back to Upper Canada, when the group of families that concentrated influence was referred to by crusader William Lyon Mackenzie as “the Family Compact.” They are also Satanists, Baphomet worship is involved, and they represent a British contingent that lived in Ontario in the 19th century, including the eventual first Prime Minister of Canada, Sir John A. MacDonald. Many well-known people have motorcycle gang affiliations, which makes them part of that particular portion of “Them.” This list is in no particular order:

• Jason Sudeikis, actor – Hell’s Angels

• Morley Safer, newscaster, 60 Minutes – Satan’s Choice, a highest-ranking captain

• Ken Dryden, hockey player, Member of Parliament – Hell’s Angels

• David Letterman, talk show host – Hell’s Angels (absorbed from Rock Machine)

• Howard Hesseman, actor – Hell’s Angels

• Alan Eagleson, disgraced lawyer and pro hockey “builder” – Hell’s Angels

• “Macho Man” Randy Savage, pro wrestler – Hell’s Angels (also his brother, Lanny Poffo)

• Corey Miller, tattoo artist – Hell’s Angels

• Matthew McConaughey, actor – Outlaws (the Outlaws gang–that’s “Them”)

• David Clayton Thomas, musician – Satan’s Choice

• David Foster, musician/producer – Hell’s Angels

• Larry Walker, baseball player – Satan’s Choice

• Rick Sutcliffe’s Chicago Cubs teammates Ryne Sandberg, Lee Smith, Andre Dawson, and Steve Trout, and his former manager in Los Angeles, Tommy Lasorda – Hell’s Angels

• Keith Hernandez, baseball player – Rock Machine

• Doug Ford, Premier of the province of Ontario – Rock Machine

• Andrew Alexander, producer at Second City – Satan’s Choice

• More from Second City: John Candy, Dave Thomas, Catherine O’Hara, John Hemphill, Dan Aykroyd, Mike Myers – Satan’s Choice

• Erin O’Toole – Member of Parliament and former Conservative Party of Canada leader – Hell’s Angels

• Stephen McHattie, actor – Hell’s Angels (absorbed from Rock Machine)

• Dave Foley, actor – Rock Machine

• Michael Keaton, actor – Hell’s Angels

• Bobby Hull, hockey player – Rock Machine

• Michael Ironside, actor – Satan’s Choice

• Seth Rogen, actor – Satan’s Choice

• Bruce Greenwood, actor – Satan’s Choice

• Jennifer Tilly, actor – Rock Machine

• Paul Benedict, actor – Satan’s Choice

• Danny DeVito, actor – Satan’s Choice

• Donald Fagen, musician – Hell’s Angels

• Evangeline Lilly, actress – Satan’s Choice

• Norm Macdonald, actor/comedian – Satan’s Choice; also his brother Neil, who is a journalist for CBC News

• The family of Norm Macdonald, actor/comedian – Scottish Rite/Canadian Freemasonry/Baphomet/what they call “John’s Men,” a reference to Sir John A. MacDonald

It also appears that a notable figure in the integration of the biker-gang world into Major League Baseball is a little-known player from the late 70s-early 80s, Kim Seaman. Baseball fans might remember Seaman as part of the blockbuster trade that sent Rollie Fingers from the Padres to the Cardinals in 1980.

• Biker membership involves killing someone as initiation; Canadian practices involve killing a kidnapped Native, often by rolling them up in a carpet and pushing them from a height.

• Former Toronto mayor Rob Ford, of the Rock Machine-affiliated Ford family, did not die of cancer, but was killed by his own family for his troublesome public behavior. His brother, Doug, is now Premier of Ontario.

• Hockey player Borje Salming was killed by Ken Dryden.

• Baseball player Rusty Staub was shot and killed by Ken Dryden. It was related to the killing of Gary Carter.

• Baseball player Pascual Perez’s death was not a robbery, but related to biker-gang activity.

• Baseball player Alan Wiggins was injected with an AIDS needle, after having problems with MLB’s motorcycle-gang integration at the time (late 1980s).

• Canadian Olympic swimmer Victor Davis was killed, hit deliberately by a vehicle, when a run-in with members of Satan’s Choice escalated.

• Television executive Brandon Tartikoff was killed by Satan’s Choice members.

• Child actress Anissa Jones did not die of an overdose, but was shot and killed for threatening to talk publicly about the Hollywood child sex system.

• Canadian motorcycle-gang involvement was behind the D.B. Cooper skyjacking incident. The pilots were in on it; he never jumped.

• Canadian actor John J. Dee, a regular on the CBC sitcom King of Kensington, was tortured and murdered, by a group including his former castmates, for objecting to child-sex practices on the show (particularly actor Ardon Bess), and threatening to report on the people involved. Dee was drawn-and-quartered. Some of Dee’s bones were then used in a candle, made with the remains of thirteen murdered people, that was crafted by actor Dan Aykroyd and kept at the Scottish Rite Cathedral in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

• Two brothers from Ontario were ritualistically tortured and killed by the draw-and-quarter method for stealing the “sacred body parts” candle from the Scottish Rite in Hamilton.

• Dan Aykroyd is a proponent and advocate of the parental practice of what you could call “fathers raping their songs to keep them under their thumb.” He teaches this to people such as Dave Chappelle as a virtue. He learned it from Chevy Chase. Paternal homosexual incestuous rape, sadly, is a common practice.

• Biker-gang involvement has led to certain game shows being rigged, including Jeopardy!, The $128,000 Question, The $100,000 Name That Tune, and The $1 Million Chance of a Lifetime. The winners are fed answers in advance and split the prize money with the producers. Canadian biker-gang member Barbara Ann Eddy is an example, having won the grand prize on the second season of The $128,000 Question, which was filmed in British Columbia, and also later appearing as a five-time champion on Jeopardy! Recently, non-rigged contestant James Holzhauer managed to earn a massive amount of prize money and keep it all, and it took multiple tries with rigged contestants to beat him.

• Biker fraud was also involved in the rigging of the first fourteen years of McDonald’s Monopoly and Scrabble contests.

• ABC News anchor Max Robinson was killed as the result of a failed integration into the team at 60 Minutes. He opposed the sex practices behind the scenes, and drew the ire of team members like Andy Rooney. He was killed by hitman Charlie Murphy.

• ABC News anchor and 60 Minutes correspondent Harry Reasoner was murdered, killed in his home by Ed Bradley, for attempting to write a book about “the system” upon his retirement; his cause of death is reported as a cerebral hemorrhage caused by a fall at home.

• ABC News anchor Peter Jennings was killed for having knowledge of the murder of Harry Reasoner.

• Actor Gordon Jump can be seen joking about his involvement in Hollywood child sex on an episode of Family Feud where the cast of WKRP in Cincinnati competes against the cast of The Love Boat. In the Fast Money round, Jump becomes flustered after answering the question, “The age at which a woman’s figure is best,” with “anything over 12,” after which he sputters out, “Uh, tw, tw… 32.”

• The account of the murder of Actress Adrienne Shelley is a fake story. She was a threat to talk about the child-swapping-sex-system and was murdered. Diego Pilico was a fall guy, and it took two attempts for him to tell a story that fit the evidence. The Clintons, with a crowd of people present, pushed her off a ledge.

• Musician David Foster is an enforcer/hitman with a very high kill count. Higher than Sammy “The Bull” Gravano, higher than Alan Hale, Sr., and by a wide margin. This isn’t related to the Hollywood-sex-world as much as it is the world of motorcycle-gang-Freemason people, but Foster shot and killed actor Alan Thicke in the driveway of his home over the Thicke family’s handling of the legal trouble around his son Robin’s hit song, “Blurred Lines.”

• Wrestler Chris Benoit did not kill his family and himself; rather, he was killed over insider information he had learned about 9/11 from his connections in the business. Wrestler Eddie Guerrero was killed for the same reason.

• Actor Ray Sharkey is an example of someone who opted to leave the business after discovering its hidden nature.

• The “Pizzagate” pizzeria was actually next door to the location where the child-sex activity was happening. In their pizza-based code-word language, “pepperoni,” for example, is an order for a young male. Prince Philip orders pepperoni pizza, for example.

• At one point, Hillary Clinton once decided to get back at her philandering husband by having sex with his brother Roger in the back of a pickup truck, and the two were discovered by Jimmy Carter, Denzel Washington, Burt Reynolds, Chevy Chase, and Tom Hanks.

One can hardly expect these kinds of stories to be published without corroboration. You can’t exactly publish these as news, but they’re fascinating to read. But if you’re talking about “fake news” media adventures…

• In case you hadn’t noticed, Richard Spencer was exposed as a Democrat voter. Charlottesville was a false flag event, with fake right-wing-tiki-torch guys led by Spencer the Democrat.

• And the climate change agenda is largely there to make oil seem like a less attractive investment in the future, thus leaving those smart enough to invest in oil with the power over it–knowing that we are dependent on it. The Group, with the British Crown on top, have been trying to get at Middle Eastern oil since it was discovered there.

• And part of Their strategy is to impose economic hardship to try to prevent companies and their owners from accumulating wealth and power. Teaching people anti-business thinking in the form of Marxist and anti-capitalist thought is their creation—Karl Marx was a plant by European elites, and it’s basically “divide and conquer.” Without free-market capitalism, you have the Eurpoean-Royal-Elite system of military control that was there before—nothing like a free republic.

• And Nixon had John Lennon assassinated because of paranoia around the Double Fantasy release date, and the Mark David Chapman story was a ruse. John Lennon apparently actually thought he was the second coming of Christ because the Maharishi told him so. Nixon took it as a sign to try to start World War III.

It gets hard when you can’t trust people

* * *


Copies of this letter, including this distribution list, were sent to these newspapers:

New York Times
Washington Post
Los Angeles Times
Wall Street Journal
USA Today
New York Daily News
New York Post
San Jose Mercury News
Chicago Tribune
Philadelphia Inquirer/Daily News
Denver Post
The Arizona Republic
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Dallas Morning News
The Cleveland Plain Dealer
The Seattle Times
Chicago Sun-Times
The Detroit Free Press
Tampa Bay Times
Portland Oregonian
The San Diego Union Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle
The Newark Star-Ledger
Boston Globe
Kansas City Star
The Sacramento Bee
St. Paul Pioneer Press
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Indianapolis Star
Orange County Register
Atlanta Journal Constitution
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
The Baltimore Sun
Orlando Sentinel
The Buffalo News
Cincinnati Enquirer
The Charlotte Observer
Fort Worth Star-Telegram
The Miami Herald
Las Vegas Review-Journal
The Columbus Dispatch
Arab News
Tehran Times
The Independent
Sydney Morning Herald

Copies were also sent to these news outlets:

Middle East Eye
The Associated Press
PBS News
The Hollywood Reporter
Rolling Stone
The Daily Wire
PBS News
NL Times
Dutch News Agency
Agenzia Nazionale Stampaa Associata
Deustche Presse-Agentur
The National Enquirer

And just to see what happens, copies were sent to:
Alex Jones
The Federal Bureau of Investigation

(Shorter comments begin here.)


I’ve heard alot of this stuff from my own circles over the years. To see it all put together is more disturbing then I thought it would be. I feel sick. 😓


I’ve been seeing this too. Comments are well you can’t trust is because he want to remain anonymous.

Who wouldn’t?

Everyone has seen how corrupt vile their cabal is, and their willingness to kill people right in their jail cells to keep it all quiet and hidden.

If I wrote this, I wouldnt give my name either. Not even of it meant people didn’t believe me.


I literally proved what they did to me and other kids as prisoners in the system… See anybody care or do anything about it? All they did was try to bribe me. 🤷‍♂️

But not before they kicked in my door with eight cops with no warrant, guns drawn and in my face as I was live streaming before it was a thing for most people. 😐

There are 10 police officer statements written that they treated us with nothing but dignity and respect. Despite being live streamed doing the opposite. 🤦‍♂️

Even as a kid it didn’t matter if people believe me or not, I was still handed over back to them, I was punished, hunted, and beaten, called names, given a criminal record so they could use probation to do whatever they wanted with me anytime they wanted.

People pretended to not believe it even though I know they knew it was true. That’s why I don’t talk to any of my family, at all. They knew.

So… I believe it. I physically have no reason not to based on my own experiences, my time in their cage as a child prisoner… and my understanding of the ruling class and they’re depravity. And how they will do anything to protect their secrets.


That is the most messed up thing I’ve ever read. And I think a lot of it spot on.


It’s so strange to see it all the puzzle peices put together like that. I’ve heard so many of the rumors in it, and I’ve seen the events from a 3rd party observational perspective, with all that added context. I’m not going to sleep for a week.


Now we just have to see how all these for-profit, so called child protection systems are tied in. Obviously they are baby farms. Kids having kids. But, it’s going to take me so much time to trace them, their businesses to each other, to follow their money, their investments, donations and see how they all connect.

Are you sure you guys don’t just want to come clean? No matter what happens, you are all in so much shit, cooperation really is you best option. Even if you are great and mighty gods. 🙄

Door number 2 and door number 3 just aren’t survivable.

Unlike your victims, your kind just aren’t survivors, like they are. 😈


Also I want to add john waterman from ATV news(maritimes anchor,) and the biggest producer of child porn in Canada. Fun joyride with the keys to his jeep. Lol. My youth was pretty fun at times, not going to lie.

(Made sure that is on file as well. 😏

It’s how I made sure my juvenile criminal record didn’t disappear. Made sure it was right on my 18th birthday. 😉 Did I ever tell you how much I hate these people?

These other two are not famous… but they should be in all the wrong ways.

And the 2nd two biggest producers of child porn in Canada the last time I encountered them anyways, are Dave and Dave. (Their names are on my criminal record for a nice joyride in their 93 Gutless Supreme.)


Fun fact: If you sell all the sugar kids their weed, and be chill, and you are young and good looking, you have no idea the places you’ll go… And the people you will meet from all walks of life. As long as they know you are “cool with it”.

I’ve studied you all my whole life. 😐

I admit when I got old, it got harder. Thank god for technology eh? 🖕


I know isn’t he scary? 🥰

Why do you think we all trusted him and went to him.

Once I understood the situation in full it was as simple as: “I know a guy.”

Guess who that guy was?

Pedo hunter number 1.

I was in foster care with him before me and my sister were adopted and I got this crazy life I never wanted or asked for. A prisoner of pedophiles and creeps.

You all made everyone terrified and live in fear.

How does it feel?


How about you all put down the money and the drugs… and step away from the children.. before things get ugly? 🤨

Your move… big fish…


How are you able to post stuff we can’t?

I tried to share that when it first came out, it got fact checked, then removed and I got a 7 day ban. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 That makes me so flipping mad.


Do it.





FB, do you think people realize they can sue you from withholding information that could have saved their loved ones lives or them themselves from injuries caused by the secrets you helped keep from them?

2 billion people injured. You were the gate keepers stopping them from having all the info to make the informed choices the laws clams to give them the right to do.

You were one of the main culprits.

When the humans realize that little detail, your days are numbered.

I’m only saying it as they are already starting to realize as they all begin to look at you like a free pay day in these very hard times you helped to create for them by denying them access to the truth like they have the right to know.

Good luck with that, marky mark and the nazi bunch. You also censored the trucker protest and closed pages and ban’d people for posting about it. You have gotten away with nothing. We just have bigger fish to fry then you at the moment. We will all get to you very soon.


It’s important to understand that the letters were sent not because it was thought anyone would do anything.

It was to ensure a list of their known crimes would get back to them. The devil is in the details.

It was so they knew, that we knew. To rattle them. It doesn’t matter if any one believes it. They know. That is all that was desired.

“Slowly and painfully.”


Many of us suffered and died trying to figure this all out. Infiltrating their groups. Often times we had to do humiliating and degrading things, if you knew some of the things some of us had to do to get in deep and learn all we could, for as lon… See more


None of it was in vein. 🤨 🏴‍☠️



You know, with the way you hated rich people and how you talked about them, everyone thought I was crazy when I said you would help and we could count on you.

Some of them said you sounded worse then the people we were trying to expose.

I said, that was exactly what we needed. After I told them about you and me and Hallhome, they finally listened to me, and we found you in Ottawa. 🥰


I almost didn’t. You always knew how to get a hold of me on Octopode and you never did.

I was going to ignore your message. Then you came at me with that. Been while since I smiled like that in excitement. 😏

You know why I never liked getting to know people? Because then they would get to know me and know how to talk me into things. Lol… but I’m glad you came to me.

Meeting you all, and my time in the states was the most epic fucking fun I’d ever had. It gave me a piece of my humanity back. Introspection and learning that I was wrong to put everyone in the same box.

To this day they are still some of my top 10 memories. 😉

Minus the getting kicked in the dick by 👉👩‍🎤

With rollarskates on I might add, I was down for about a week after that. Just if anyone is keeping score here. 😏


I’m telling you, immigrate here. This place as bad as it is, is still 100 times better then there.


For a time, that was true. This place has changed. The people are just as cool, without 1/2 the fakery. Less guns, in time we will get these nazis handled, and Canada is something different, after the fake pandemic… Canada evolved. It’s people, matured.


It’s Ai kicked ass and took names. 😉

🤔 OR did we kick names and take ass?




I think a bit of both actually.


Yah. That seems fair to me. 🥱







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