Video of Cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11—Security video from Wikimedia Commons

Video of Cruise missile hitting the Pentagon on 9/11—Security video from Wikimedia Commons

Updated, June 9, 2024:

Found this on Reddit, at

There’s another clip of the impact of the attack on the Pentagon on September 11, 2001; according to the voiceover and what I channeled, this is FBI footage. I’ve edited the two into one video:

That is an FBI agent’s own view of the impact. The clip is a loop. You can clearly see a long, thin white object proceed along the ground towards the building, then hit and explode. It’s consistent with the view on the video I posted last week, the security footage belonging to the U.S. government posted on Wikimedia Commons, which I’ve included after the clip from Reddit.

And this is how seriously this is being taken by the authorities: I had police come to my door, Friday evening, June 7, at 11 p.m.

The original blog post, about the video I found on Wikimedia Commons, follows below.

The original clip from which I edited the following video is located here, on Wikimedia Commons:

(Given that there’s no evidence being presented here that isn’t circumstantial (aside from the video evidence), this post and the others like this are an exercise in hypothesizing for entertainment purposes only, whether or not the accounts presented correspond to real, not-fictional events.)

This is security video from a security gate in front of the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. I noticed this when I saw the clip on Wikimedia Commons. Two frames are visible where you can see a long, white, tube-shaped object appear immediately before a massive explosion. The object definitely does not look like a commercial airliner to my eyes.

This is the attribution on Wikimedia Commons. Note the author, “US Federal Government,” and source, “part of a[n] FOIA release by the government”:

The description says that it’s supposed to be “American Airlines Flight 77 impacting the western end of the Pentagon as part of the 9/11 attacks.” To my eyes, it looks like long, white, tube-like object, one that doesn’t have a tail, like you’d expect an aircraft to have. To me, it looks more like a missile than a Boeing 757, which is what American Airlines Flight 77 was, according to Wikipedia.

These are the specs of a Boeing 757, from

According to Wikipedia, the Pentagon is 77 feet high. A 757-223 is 44 feet, 6 inches in height. It’s 155 feet long, and its wing span is 124 feet, 10 inches.

Does it look like a plane of those dimensions in the video from Wikimedia Commons or the photograph below?

Official version: Boeing 757-223 with wings folding back on impact

Critics of the official 9/11 story, in some cases, wondered why there were photos of the destruction at the Pentagon where you couldn’t see any airplane wreckage. The official story claimed that the wings snapped off and folded “back” upon hitting the building, and the fuselage, plus the wings, disappeared into the wreckage of the building.

Aerial view of the Pentagon Building located in Washington, District of Columbia (DC), showing emergency crews responding to the destruction caused when a high-jacked commercial jetliner crashed into the southwest corner of the building, during the 9/11 terrorists attacks. (Image from Wikimedia Commons.)

Here’s something to consider: the thrust on an airplane doesn’t come from the fuselage; it comes from the engines located on the wings, about a quarter of the way out. The wings are massive, steel structures, strong enough to stay intact as they lift and carry the fuselage full of passengers through the air. There is no mark on the walls from the impact of the wings.

Did you see wings folding back in that video?
• How would that happen when the thrust that moves the plane comes from the engines on the wings?
Does that white thing in the video look like a plane that’s supposed to be a 44-foot, 6-inch tall Boeing 757-223 hitting the 77-foot-high Pentagon?

How would the plane wreckage be concealed in part of the building that didn’t collapse despite a plane taking out the floors beneath it, while there’s part of the building that did collapse, and you can’t see any part of an airplane? Is that likely?

When the planes hit the twin towers, they impacted, then exploded.

Here, you see a narrow white object, followed by a frame where you see an explosion with a white tube-like object trailing.

Does what you see in the video look like anything like the impacts at the World Trade Center?

Photoshopped plane part. One part. No parts in the building. One part here.

What really happened there

This is what I channeled about this: it was a cruise missile fired from Langley. The hijacked plane was flown over the ocean, and made a soft water landing. The passengers were exited onto a waiting submarine, and then executed in broad daylight with fully-automatic rifle fire, still in view of land, but out of visual range of any witnesses. (The rest of my information about 9/11 is channeled as well.)

I channeled that the photographs that show wreckage, like this one, are fake, the product of someone’s Photoshop skills.

There’s one part there on the lawn, photographed (and it’s not even real). There are no parts visible in the building. One photograph with wreckage. One piece of wreckage.

Why it happened there

This is from Reuters:

Fact Check: Rumsfeld did not reveal the loss of $2.3 trillion day before 9/11

This is what Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was quoted as saying on September 10, 2001, the day before the staged terrorist attack:

At the 14:15 mark, Rumsfeld says, “Our financial systems are decades old. According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions. We cannot share information from floor to floor in this building. Because it’s stored on dozens of different technological systems that are inaccessible or incompatible.

That’s not “lost” money so much as money that can’t be accounted for, as in—you can’t even look the stuff up. You just know it got spent somewhere.

With the explosion taking out those offices (and the 48 people working in them), the issue is a moot point—any historical absence of record-keeping or evidence of questionable spending gets blamed on the explosion on September 11.

Why it really happened

The satan’s world order/”the System”/The Illuminati people needed to destroy an incriminating videotape that was securely stored at the offices of The National Enquirer in Building 7 of the World Trade Center complex.

That building was demolished at 5:30 PM on the day of the attacks, September 11, 2001, and it was caught on video.

It was assumed that no one would notice and/or question it—either the timing of the demolition, or that the building was gone despite not having been hit by a plane.

The twin towers were also demolished by controlled demolitions. An explosion occurred immediately before the collapse, two hours after the initial impacts of the airplanes.

What really happened

The whole scheme and the official story were cover for making sure the Enquirer video, of an incriminating conversation involving actor William Forsythe regarding the death of JonBenet Ramsey, at the ’96 satan’s world order Executive Leadership Christmas Gathering could be obtained and destroyed.

If that conversation hadn’t happened—at the Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, videotaped through foliage by a journalist from the National Enquirer—9/11 wouldn’t have happened. (That writer (“Nadine someone,” I heard) was killed.)

I included an account of 9/11 in a communiqué that I titled “Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder”, which I mailed to 71 media outlets in North America and 12 overseas on July 28, 2023 (the full story is located here). I’ve shared a portion below.

Short background about this: On March 24, 2022, I mailed letters leaking details about the killing of Bob Saget and subsequent cover-up to a few newspapers in the United States. The letter mailed to the Seattle Times was passed to the Clintons, the brain trust of the top-level Freemasonry/satan’s world order people, on March 27.

Chaos ensued, as they were confronted with a leak that could not have happened without “supernatural” interference—a medium from Canada leaked an accurate account that could not have possibly been sent by someone within their circle without high-level secret activity having gone on for a considerable length of time. The missive mentioned an incident that happened in 1979, and leadership can identity who is supposed to know about it.

This leak didn’t make logical sense, because the actual cause was outside of their consideration set—perhaps it was Divine Intervention, there to put an end to them all. A buzzing hornet on the loose.

(I channeled that no one noticed that the envelopes had Canadian stamps on them.)

I sent a follow-up to the “Bob Saget Missive” leak to its 83 recipients on July 28, 2023. This excerpt contains the contents of the original letter:

The death of Bob Saget. That particular cover-up got foiled because a media outlet sent a reporter to do their own news account, and the story got away from “Them.” There was a flimsy piece published as online news to quell disputes about the narrative. The efforts by Saget’s family to keep medical records from being released were to prevent further harm from coming to them, after having been made to witness his torture and execution.

There has been talk recently about the medical condition of Jamie Foxx and how he ended up that way, talk about Oprah Winfrey, talk by Mel Gibson, talk by Ice Cube about “gatekeepers” who are supposedly up to something bad.

The letter to The Seattle Times was taken seriously enough that a call went out to 347 people on April 1, 2022. Among other annoyances, they were annoyed by the stylistic choices made by the leaker. The letter was not written by Jeremy Renner, though it would seem he took the blame for it, possibly to prevent other innocent people from getting hurt. This letter, the one you’re reading, was also not written by Jeremy Renner.

People present at the ritualistic murder of Bob Saget on the property of George W. Bush included Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Roger Clinton, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Matthew McConaughey, Will Smith, Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Harrison Ford, Eddie Murphy, and William Forsythe. Saget’s family was also there, forced to watch while naked and being sexually abused with eels in a swimming pool, of all things. Attendees took turns hitting Saget’s head and face with a golf club and a vehicle was driven on his head (by Roger Clinton) to kill him, after which his body was hanged. Ryan acted in particularly poor taste.

The initial news account of Saget’s death, upon the discovery of his body at his hotel, stated that foul play was not suspected.

He had been approached by Gilbert Gottfried after a show. Saget’s offense seems to have been to threaten Hillary Clinton (with McConaughey present) regarding “Their” illicit operations in rigging the 2020 U.S. presidential election; it would seem that it just isn’t the case that “Electable Joe” Biden honestly earned more votes than Barack Obama did in both 2008 and 2012. Saget, it turns out, was part of a leak of “information above levels” in which knowledge of 9/11 machinations was leaked to Saget, Norm Macdonald, Bernie Mac, and Gilbert Gottfried, all of whom ended up dying suddenly (undisclosed cancer in the case of Macdonald and Gottfried).

These aren’t dumb people here. They’ve been practicing the art of secret-keeping for a long time. It’s ultimately Freemasonry, and there are insiders who know that the House of Plantagenet changed English history to erase the existence of the historical King Arthur. They believe in maintaining influence across time and across society, so they perpetuate themselves in families, across generations. “Across society” includes having people on opposite sides in a political conflict. The current incarnation, which has a firm grip on the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the Netherlands (and others as well, including the new government in Ukraine, which took over in a coup in 2013), has been at their machinations since the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. That’s over 400 years. The current British Royal Family is the top level, along with the Clintons.

Historian Antony Sutton wrote a book about an American faction he discovered, the Order of the Skull and Bones, at Yale, whose membership includes George W. Bush, his father George H.W. Bush, and his father, Prescott Bush. Sutton’s work is basically accurate. That group dates back to 1832. The American contingent was brought into integration with the European faction by Elihu Root, who served as Secretary of War and Secretary of State. Former New York state governor Averell Harriman was a high-ranking member of The Group who was a Yale Skull and Bonesman. Skull and Bonesmen founded both the American Historical Association as well as the American Economic Association, to wield influence over what gets to be considered as “official history” or “official economic thought.” The University of California was founded by a Skull and Bonesman as well.

At another point in the history of America, in 1927, film moguls Samuel Goldwyn and Louis B. Mayer killed their business associate, Marcus Loew, because he objected to Goldwyn’s creation–a system where Hollywood aspirants would agree to participate in “child sex swapping,” and offer their children to “the system,” where they (can) participate in pedophilia with other people’s children and only then get considered for film (and later TV) work. This is how Wikipedia describes Marcus Loew’s death: “Though MGM was immediately successful, Loew died in 1927 of a heart attack at the age of 57 at his country home in Glen Cove, New York.” He was actually crushed to death under an iron bookcase by his associates. He was the first of many victims of “the system.”

It also involves child actors being sexually accessible to adults, and this is what actor Corey Feldman was talking about. Feldman’s story, along with that of actor Terry Crews (who was actually referring to Matthew McConaughey), was drowned out deliberately by a contrived flood of #MeToo stories, including those of actor Aziz Ansari, comedian Louis CK, and writer/producer Dan Harmon.

There has long been a central figure involved in organizing it and recruiting people. This function has been served by Milton Berle, Brian Keith, Jack Warden, his Crazy Like a Fox co-star John Rubinstein, Alec Baldwin, Will Smith, and currently, Matthew McConaughey. Someone like Jason Sudeikis might make a suitable replacement in the future.

This is likely what Ice Cube is referring to when he speaks of “gatekeepers” and secret things they shouldn’t be doing. Membership comes from offering up children; yours or your family’s in some cases. Hollywood is the kind of place where Norm Macdonald could pay $800+ for sex with a 15-year-old Brittany Snow when she was an actress on Guiding Light. It’s also the kind of place where Guiding Light actor Grant Aleksandr had sex with his child co-star, Hayden Panettiere, and the male co-stars of Full House had sex with the underage Olsen twins.

This type of organized child sex has been integrated into this high-level world of “worldly” people–basically, anyone who would have been part of Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express experience; Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Prince Philip–that cohort. JonBenet Ramsey’s death occurred at their ‘96 Christmas party. She was killed by a male relative who was having sex with her; she had snapped and started punching him, and in response, he crushed her skull. Famous people like the Clintons, David Crosby, and Tom Hanks were there. Ramsey was personally recruited into that world by Bill Clinton. She had a sister who ended up as one of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s sex slaves, and was eventually killed for threatening to talk.

One repercussion of this particular incident is that it was discussed in public at some point afterwards, at a hotel restaurant/bar, by actor William Forsythe, loud enough to be overheard and recorded by someone there who worked for the National Enquirer. This tape was then kept in their offices in World Trade Center Building 7, the third tower that fell on September 11, 2001, later that afternoon. The destruction of this tape, of Forsythe talking about the Ramsey murder, is the thing that necessitated the destruction of the towers, the entire “act” of “terrorism” in the first place, and the deaths of the innocent people who died that day.

Forsythe is also the one responsible for the spate of people who placed financial bets against the airlines involved in 9/11 but didn’t pick up on them–he talked about the opportunity, and enough people took advantage that it drew suspicion.

9/11 has been one of the group’s sensitive subjects, as it leads to objections from participants who agreed to join but were disturbed by the truths they learned, like actress Annie Wersching. Drug smuggling is another one. Threatening to talk, or spilling secrets about illicit activity behind the scenes–these can get people killed. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic was another project conducted secretly and deliberately by “Them” that led to objections from within. Actor Clarence Gilyard, Jr. was used as a test subject for the virus, which was generated in a lab in Wuhan like people suspect, spread from the fish market as the medical reports suggest.

The Hollywood portion of “the system,” Goldwyn’s system from the 1920s, had killed over 780 people in secret as of October of last year, their deaths reported as suicides, heart attacks, unpublicized cancer, or something else. Older people are particularly susceptible–their deaths are less likely to be questioned.

There are enough in-roads of These People in police departments–not just the Hollywood part of These People, but the whole lot of Them–that They can cover up the truth about deaths, especially in Los Angeles. In a place like Canada, you’ll find police more likely to have been corrupted by the motorcycle-gang-Freemason component of Them.

There are enough in-roads of these people in mainstream media outlets that a copy of the previous letter sent about Bob Saget’s death, the one received by The Seattle Times around March 27 or so, was immediately passed on to These People, as I mentioned earlier.

The full letter is in this blog post:
The Bob Saget Missive and the Saget Missive 2: Saget Harder

Photo credit:


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